Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Solar Water Purification

Considering how small of a percentage of the water on Earth is fresh water that we are able to drink, cheap and efficient water purification is a necessity for modern society. This need was really brought into focus when Hurricane Katrina hit a few years back; one of the major problems following that disaster was a lack of mobile water relief. Did you know that in Asia and Africa two-thirds of the population currently have no direct access to drinking water? That statistic is getting worse year-after-year.

SwissINSO is a company that has offerend an interesting solution: Solar powered water purification/desalination and bottling units designed in transportable containers with photovoltaic panels. Each unit they build is capable of converting 100,000 liters of contaminated water and/or ocean water a day into drinkable water. Particulates are removed from the soiled water that are greater in size than 100 um by an automated filtration system. The water is then run through ultra-filtration via reverse osmosis to remove most organic wastes. A series of circular membranes then remove the rest of the contaminants. This seems like an interesting new way to increase the availability of fresh water across the globe!

For more information, check out the company website:


  1. Wow! That looks like some really great new technology. I'd be interested to see how well the company is able to get these units to places in Asia and Africa that are in dire need of water. Also, here is a link to an article about the announcement of the completion of this water purification unit:

  2. That sounds really useful for remote areas! I wonder how much it costs, and how often you have to clean or replace the filters?
