Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Weapons of Mass Disruption and the Dirty Bomb Diaries

A "dirty bomb" is a conventional explosion that is combined with radioactive material. The goal of this chemical explosion is to disperse the radioactive material over a widespread area. However, while the radioactivity exposure due to this weapon is relatively high, it is not fatal. Therefore, dirty bombs are not universally considered "weapons of mass destruction". Its most effective purpose is to cause social panic due to ignorance or misconceptions about its true potential. It also can lead to economic damage and costs to decontaminate victims of the attack. These psychologically damaging effects of the "dirty bomb" has led it to be called a "weapon of mass disruption," instead of a truly vicious artillery.

The link below follows the second day of a dramatic episodic miniseries about a woman trapped in her home after a dirty bomb is detonated nearby. Her video diary records life changing events as the world around her changes.


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